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Chain Colosseum Phoenix is a "Play to Earn” GameFi on the Oasys Chain MCH-Verse. Players can earn in-game currencies by fighting and defeating various monsters with heroes that are summoned from the Summoner’s Book.

Hero NFTs have different rarity classes that can be minted. This is similar to the “Move to Earn” game known as STEPN.

To further control the inflation in the amount of the NFTs to be issued, we are adding life expectancy, injury, and disease factors to the Hero NFTs. At the same time, we will put an end to the situation where only the first-movers have all the benefits.

Chain Colosseum Phoenix has several innovative systems to solve the problems which previous Play to Earn games have faced. (Please refer the WhitePaper for more details)


This will not allow you to swap utility tokens that you haven’t yet earned in the game. Traders will not be able to obtain any revenue without playing. Only users who genuinely enjoy the game can Earn.

We are confident that this mechanism will become the Utility Token standard for Blockchain gaming in the near future.

Soul Mining System

The amount of utility tokens that can be earned per day will have a temporarily capped limit which will be according to the dollar-based price of the utility token at that time.

Excess rewards will be locked as USDC (stable coin) for each hero NFT. These rewards can only be unlocked if the Heroes is in a deceased state.

The locked Tokens are operated by an external DeFi Orange Finance where new funds will be added to the Chain Colosseum Phoenix Ecosystem from outside the game.

Chain Colosseum PhoenixはOASYS MCHVerse上のPlay to Earn GamiFiです。 プレイヤーは召喚の書NFTから生まれたヒーローでモンスターを倒し報酬を得ることができます。



Chain Colosseum PhoenixにはこれまでのP2Eでの問題点を解決する革新的なシステムがあります。※詳細はWPをお読みください。


GamingDEXとオラクルを用いて、GameでEarnしたUtilityTokenの数量以上のTokenをSwapすることを不可能にします。 つまり、ゲームをしないトレーダーは利益を得ることができません。 純粋にGameを楽しむユーザーのみがEarnする出来ます。 また、トレーダーをプレイヤーに昇華することを促します。


Soul Mining System

UtilityToken価格の過度な上昇に伴って、過度な報酬が発生することを防ぎます。 1日でEarn出来る報酬にUtilityTokenのドルベースの価格に応じて制限をかけます。

過剰報酬はStableCoinにSwap後、ヒーローNFTにロックされます。 ロックされた報酬はヒーローが戦闘不能状態になり、一定期間経過後、手に入れる事が可能です。

ロックしている報酬は外部DeFiのOrange Financeにて運用し、外部から新しい資金をEcosystemに追加します。