Last updated 13/03/2025/
◆ver2.5.0 Update Notes
New Features
- God Game (Outside Normal Battles)
- God Mode Activation: Triggered by winning 8 consecutive coin tosses.
- Monster Appearance Logic Update: Adjusted based on the number of consecutive battles.
- Coin Toss History Display: Added a history display below the God Coin Toss.
- Hero Status Reset
- Aura Hero Buff Effect: Heroes with aura now receive status buffs.
Feature Adjustments
- CCP Withdrawal Restrictions
- AT-Field Writing Restrictions
- Durability Reduction Cap: A maximum limit has been set for durability decrease.
- Slime Encounter Rate Adjustment: Now varies based on Intelligence.
- Premium Pass Enhancements: Additional effects including Treasure Chest Slot and Genetic Bonus 7Mint.
- Treasure Chest Level 8+ Opening Time Adjustment
- PC Version UI Update: The Whitepaper section on the side of the screen has been replaced with the Announcement Screen.
- Battle Animation Speed Adjustment
- Skip Function for Individual Gem Level-Up Animation
- God Game(通常バトル外)
- コイントス先攻8連でGod Mode突入
- 連続バトル数によるモンスター抽選ロジック変更
- Godコイントスの下部にコイントスの履歴を表示する
- Hero ステータスリセット
- オーラ付きHeroのステータスバフ効果
- CCPの出金制限
- AT-Fieldの書き込み制限
- Durability減少に最大値を設定
- スライム出現率をIntelligencenによって変動するように仕様変更
- Premium Passの効果追加(Treasure Chest Slot, Genetic Bonus 7Mint)
- 宝箱Lv8以上の開封待機時間調整
- PC版画面横のホワイトペーパーをお知らせ画面に変更
- バトル演出の速度調整
- 単体GemLvUP演出のSKIP機能
◆ver2.4.0 Update Notes
- Scholarship (Origin Only)
- Unlocked permission level "High"
- Start of testing on the Manager side
- Adjustment to Gem effect values
- Increased effects for Level 3 and above
- Double-Up logic
- Effects improved based on Intelligence coefficient
- Shop Sale Limits
- Daily item sale limit per type increased from 100 to 500